
Es un documental que nos abre al mundo de una cantora, de una poeta campesina, arraigada en su tradición, pero al mismo tiempo la va re significando.

Acompañados de la atmosfera del campo chileno, conocemos las vivencias y los  dolores de una cantora, que reflejan la cotidianeidad de muchas adolescentes campesinas: abandonos, machismo, violaciones y alcoholismo.  

Nos cuenta su amor con otra mujer que le ayuda a reconciliarse con ese pasado, y a sacar la fuerza de sus raíces.

Mauricia Saavedra de la zona central de Chile, nos va cantando y narrando su vida.

Teaser2 from Ana Lhomme on Vimeo.

A documentary which tells us about Mauricia’s world: a poete and singer, rooted in her tradition, but breaking down this tradition all the time.

Sharing   the atmosphere of the chilean land, we start knowing about the pains and sufferings of this singer, who shows in fact what many peasant adolescents are still living: abandonment, sexism, violations, and alcoholism.

She tells us her love story with another woman. This woman helped her to reconcilie with her past and to connect with the strength in her roots.

Mauricia Saavedra, from the central region of Chile, sings and tells us her story.